April 9, 2022


What is amber?

Here at Bright Bar soap we love our amber soaps! If you are not familiar with amber you might wonder… what is amber?

After all…isn’t it like a stone?

Not quite!

To put it differently, amber is a fossilized resin estimated to be between 30 and 90 million years old. It is typically found in the form of small, round balls. This plant material is believed to be the result of tree sap that has been exposed to high pressure and heat over time.

For this reason, is considered fossilized.

It typically has a rich yellowish-brown color, but it can also be found in shades of red, orange, and green. The hard resin stone is often translucent, which allows light to pass through it and create a beautiful effect.

Amber is found in many different locations around the world. It is often found in areas where there were once forests, such as Europe, Asia, and North America. It can also be found in Africa, South America, and Australia.

Amber was once believed to be the tears of gods or the souls of the dead.

Equally, it was also thought to be a powerful talisman that could protect against evil spirits.

In ancient times, amber was used in funerary rites and buried with the dead. This was done in the belief that amber would help the soul find its way to the afterlife.

Amber has been used for centuries because of its unique properties. The stone is said to have protective and healing powers, and it is also believed to bring good luck.

Amber essential oil is a gift to the bath and beauty world!

You are probably wondering how a fossilized tree resin can find its way into bath and beauty products.

Since it is a hardened resin that most people associate with jewelry…how does it turn into amber essential oil?

Amber essential oil is extracted from the amber resin by a process of distillation. The most common type of amber used for this purpose is Baltic amber, which is a variety of fossilized tree resin that is found in the Baltic region.

First, to extract the essential oil from amber, the amber is first placed in a special distillation apparatus.

Secondly, the apparatus consists of a container with a lid that has a hole in the center, and a tube that runs from the hole in the lid to the bottom of the container. The tube is connected to a condenser, which cools the vapors that are produced during the distillation process.

Lastly, the amber is heated in the container, and the vapors that are released are condensed in the condenser. The essential oil is then collected from the condenser.

Amber essential oil is said to offer a wide range of benefits, including:

  • promoting relaxation
  • reducing stress and anxiety
  • easing tension headaches
  • boosting mood
  • helpful in relieving pain and inflammation

Additionally, amber essential oil benefits are it is often used as a natural perfume due to its sweet, musky scent.

Thanks to this slick process we now have a rich and calming aroma that is beloved in the bath and beauty industry!

What exactly does amber smell like?

Amber typically has a sweet, musky smell that is often compared to vanilla.

This scent is caused by the natural chemicals in amber, which is released when the resin stone is heated.

This chemical compound in amber is terpenoid. This substance is what gives amber its characteristic sweet, musky smell. Terpenoid is found in many plants and is used in perfumes and cosmetics. It is also responsible for the scent of citrus fruits and pine needles.

Similarly, this is why some people also detect a hint of pine or citrus in amber’s aroma.

A good comparison for amber scent is musk. Musk is also a popular and recognizable scent.

True musks have a more complex and animalistic scent that is often described as earthy, woodsy, or sensual. Amber’s scent, although musk-like, is more subtle and sweet in comparison.

Amber’s sweet, musky scent pairs well with other warm and spicy scents.

Another scent that would be comparable, yet distinctly different, is patchouli.

While amber and patchouli are both earthy, musky scents…amber is typically sweeter and more subtle, while patchouli has a stronger, more complex scent.

Both scents are said to be calming and relaxing, but amber is more often used to promote sleep. Patchouli is also said to have anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

All things considered, whatever the exact scent may be, amber is generally considered to be pleasant smelling.

Amber scent in bath and beauty products.

Amber has been used in bath and beauty products for centuries, but it became especially popular in the last few decades.

This is because amber is believed to have a range of benefits for the skin, including reducing inflammation, evening out skin tone, and helping to heal wounds. Amber is also thought to be helpful in treating a number of different skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis.

In addition, amber is said to be a natural source of antioxidants, which can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

With this in mind, amber is a popular scent in spas for its calming and relaxing properties.

Amber essential oil can also be found in many skincare products, such as lotions, creams, and serums.

At Bright Bar Soap our amber soaps are made with amber fragrance oils and not pure amber essential oils. We love the proprietary blends we get from our suppliers. We have yet to find an amber blend we do not love!

Bright Bar Soap

Bright Bar Soap is a handmade soap company that makes a smooth and silky soft bastille soap. It feels like you are bathing in clouds! We source only the best ingredients and make brightly colored scents and soaps that put a smile on your face and joy in your day.

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